

I traveled to Spectacle Island and George's Island with some friends, departing from Boston Harbor. Apparently Spectacle Island, or Testicle Island, for short, is mostly man made, and built upon a foundation of dead horse carcasses and trash. Consequently, there was an incredible amount methane built up within the island that caused ongoing fires back in the day. Because of this, I think they should build a monument of a fossilized horse continually on fire. There are a lot of birds and things to look at, and the island offers some really good views of Boston (but no trash cans).

I forget what this town is called.

Ahh... lab stress just melts away at this point.

Rich people ruining the environment, and waving at us. They're nice.

The sand on the beach was mostly rocks and broken glass/plastic.

Close-up: grain of sand. Seriously.

This is a fort on George's Island. There are all kinds of interesting tidbits about the Civil War posted, like how awkward it was for Union soliders to hang out/ play football with captured Confederate soldiers.

Typical Boston real estate.

And here's a bonus. The Garden a few hours before the Celtics won it all. Not that I am a Celtics fan.